reliance his fans once again gift, However, the company the gif


reliance his fans once again gift, However, the company the gift  customers also an employee of. The world of the road accident in India is. Every day more than 400  vehicles accident is so that the rate at about 16 accident. Although the road  from serious found not being. Reliance industry this topic on the initiative than their employees 'reliance shield' to announced. Accident state, reliance shield 'walk of defense will. 'Reliance shield' in reality a security kit, in which dot certified helmets, shoulder and  security of the jacket, Palm  to save  and  to protect guard involved. 'Reliance shield' security kit on security gear international standard is. The security  market value of 50 thousand rupees close. The reliance own employees 12 thousand rupees are made available are. 1order to catch up on the value less keep be. Employee is zero percent interest EMI also are able to purchase. Reliance it for employees soft loan will. reliance his fans once again gift, However, the company the gift  customers also an employee of. The world of the road accident in India is. Every day more than 400  vehicles accident is so that the rate at about 16 accident. Although the road  from serious found not being. Reliance industry this topic on the initiative than their employees 'reliance shield' to announced. Accident state, reliance shield  walk of defense will. 'Reliance shield' in reality a security kit, in which dot certified helmets, shoulder and  security of the jacket, Palm ઘસારાથી to save and  to protect guard involved. 'Reliance shield' security kit on security gear international standard is. The security કિટની market value of 50 thousand rupees close. The reliance own employees 12 thousand rupees are made available are. 1  order to catch up on the value less keep be. Employee is zero percent interest EMI also are able to purchase. Reliance it for employees soft loan will.
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