I promise to give a holder a copy of 100 rupees." I have written on this note why this note is written,


I promise to give a holder a copy of 100 rupees." I have written on this note why this note is written,
India's Central Bank "Reserve Bank (rbi)", which is a rupees note except  printing is. Just a rupees note on India's money signature have left when all notes on the Reserve Bank governor signature have. 2/5 note printing rbi to the right  year 1935 before, currency  the responsibility of the government of India have had. Rbi the establishment of 1 April 1935 Reserve Bank of the Act of 1934 under was. Its main office of Mumbai is located. Reserve Bank of the Act according to the seal of  role has been given. Reserve Bank  section 22 of the Reserve Bank note the public to officer given. 3/5 get the notes can print rbi  India  work minimum reservation system (minimum reserve system) and on the basis are. The system in 1957 to may apply. According to the Reserve Bank of the right is that it rbi fund at least 200 crore the value of assets have time to take. The 200 crore 115 million gold and the remaining 85 million foreign સંપતી must take have. Such a wealth him after the Reserve Bank of the need of how much is also a large amount of notes can print. For which he's permission required. 4/5 why the pledge written .. the  any note "I holder co 10/20/50/100/200/500/2000 at issue kilometers legal promise to let Hoon 'it is written to have. Each note on the one line so print because rbi as rupee gold have the Central perform. The holder of faith retain pledge are written that if you have 100 rupees if the Reserve Bank have your 100 rupees gold reserves put it. The Reserve Bank it gold નોટના in Exchange for you provided is committed. 5/5 not accept of its in front of legal proceedings  rbi 200 crore, the wealth, so keep that note on the Reserve Bank pledge 'I holder co .. issue kilometers legal promise to let Hoon.' And fulfill can. In any situation (such as home war, the world war or no awesome natural, depression or inflation) RBI defaulter public are not. If a person not to take not if it means that the RBI governor is that the government's representative obey not doing so its legal action can be. So now you understand be why the pledge are written.
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