Change your friends profile picture on Whatsapp to do so
Who does not like to joke with friends. Everyone would have lived in this firak when they got an opportunity to meet him and he could joking with him.
Who does not like to joke with friends. Everyone would have lived in this firak when he got an opportunity to meet his friend and they could joke with him. But there is no need to meet with friends to joke. Yes, because we are going to tell you a method that allows you to change your friend’s WhatsApp profile photo. So this is not a great way to do it:
1. For this you download some horror or funny guess photos by browsing the web.
2. Now set the pixels of the photo to 561 * 561.
3. Now go to the SD card in your phone and then tap the Whatsapp on the profile pick.
4. Here you will see your friend’s profile picture, her name and phone number.
5. Now rename your image. When changing the name, keep in mind that you keep the same name as your friend’s profile. Now replace it.