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Gunotsav Result 2018 school grade declared at gunotsav.org
Gunotsav 8 result Gujarat: The government of Gujarat has carried out Gunotsav to provide quality improvement program where students are accessedsince 2009 and named Gunotsav 7. All the information related to the result and school certification of teacher grade certification is available at Gunotsav 8 official website. Gunotsav 8 Result 2018 was declared
There are 33,900 primary schools are covered by Govt. of Gujarat and EI is supporting this program. This year govt. has planned to cover secondary schools in their program.Gunotsav 8 will be held on 1st, 2nd & 3rd of December 2018.Class wise results are declared on official website. Primary school students who have appeared for the exams can check their results. Kindly click on below link and check on the right side – click on school certificate option.Gunotsav result 2018: Check your result hereVisit below official websites of Gunotsav.
Official Website of Gunotsav: http://www.gunotsav.org
School Certificate: http://www.gunotsav.org/gunotsav-7-2017.html
Teacher Grade Certificate @ admin.gunotsav.org
Teacher Grade Certificate is available to download from the subdomain of Gunotsav website. You can visit the link of the official website admin.gunotsav.org.
School Certificate or Grade Report @ ww1.gunotsav.org
If you want to find your school name, you need to enter school name, district name and taluka name for school certificate or school grade report. You can visit the link
1.gunotsav.org and enter the details properly.
Gunotsav Teacher CertificateSo all the instruction regarding gunotsav result and gunotsav 7 certificates for teacher and faculty are represented above. There are several difficulties youmay notice while looking out info on official web site
You need to enter the precise exact match name of faculty or candidates. You canrefer application details which you have mentioned in the form.Details of school certificate like subjects & question paper design:Govt. has provided guideline booklet to all schools. Subjects covered are English, Hindi, Maths, Science& Technology, Sanskrit and Social Science.Subjects covered are English, Hindi, Maths, Science& Technology, Sanskrit and Social Science.Students of Standard 2 to 5 will have Reading, Writing, and Numeric Skills.There will be 100 questions and students have to check mark the correct answer out of 4 options.Keep coming back for details of Gujarat Gunotsav Result 2018.
important link below given
dist result wise result