From today will change the rules, your life will be looking for a direct effect


From today will change the rules, your life will be looking for a direct effect
1 September that is Saturday many things change are. Which directly affect your life will. Several of these things, the effect of your pocket on willyou will benefit. Railway today's a free facility end is going to be. All of these changes in your life will affect. 2/6 third party new rules 1 September that followed by a new-to-Wheeler that car  the car that-to-Wheeler on the third party Motor new rules apply to be. New law. Now a new car for third party insurance 3 years and motorcycles that scooter for 5-year-old will be. Tell let that the Supreme court July in 2018 irda to third party  indispensable to a special ordered. The change in the long term for premium payments from new initial value will increase. But the change in each year to overly  will get rid of. 3 / 6irctc is close this service irctc from rail travel during given  September 1 of today not. Now for this irctc a certain amount will take. So now ticket booking for you earlier than a few more money will have to spend. 4/6 India post payment Bank start pm Modi on Saturday, India post payment Bank will start. Country each of the Bank branch will be. The Bank's objective in rural areas of the financial services to increase is. Saturday iipb of 650 branches and 3,250 facility  work will be. This government of India 100 per cent stake will be. 5 / 6itr decide to have been a penalty if September 1, if you no itr file you if you penalty will have to pay. The penalty different is. 5 million little annual income for people with penalty amount of 1 thousand rupees is. 5 million annual income people December return file to check he 5 thousand penalty fill out have. 1 January 2019 to return to file 10 thousand penalty would seem. Tell let that, cbdt the  for itr  the deadline for September 15 to be. 6/6 tobacco products will be on the toll free number of each tobacco product and cigarette packet on 1 September National toll free number written will be. So tobacco and used to this getting rid of help can be found. Besides, tobacco products and cigarette packet on 85 per cent of the panoramic images with text message will. And warning written will be.
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