GSSSB Binsachivalay clerk Exam syllabus 2018


GSSSB Binsachivalay clerk Exam syllabus 2018 : Gujarat Gaun Seva Pasandgi Mandal (GSSSB) published recruitment for Bin Sachivalay Clerk for 2221 posts. Entrance / preliminary examination for this recruitment will be held on January 2019 at various centers in Gujarat. You can view official advertisement, syllabus and other details in this page.

GSSSB Binsachivalay clerk Exam syllabus 2018

Hello everyone, According to the latest news of Gujarat government Bin sachivalay Clerk Bharti start from 12-10-2018 .No. of Vacancy can be around 2221.So Candidates who are interested to Apply this Bharti should start reading.Here We have latest Bin-Sachivalay Clerk Syllabus.So Candidates can get an idea from out latest Bin-Sachivalay Clerk Syllabus 2018.And You can start reading properly.Bin-Sachivalay Clerk Syllabus is given below.For latest job related updates subscribe our Website:-http://gujaratbharti.in

Syllabus Of BIn Sachivalay Clerk Exam : 

Exam pattern:

Preliminary Exam:

Total marks: 200

Time: 3 hours

Question type: MCQ (Objective)

Negative Marking: 0.33% for each wrong answer

Computer Skill Test:

Total marks: 100

Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Typing speed: 5000 key-depressions (Minimum)

Syllabus for Preliminary Exam:
 Sr. No. Subject  Marks 1 Gujarat History and Culture 25 2 Gujarati Grammar 25 3 English Grammar 25 4 Current Affairs, General Science, Aptitude (Quantitative Test) 50 5 Basic Computer Theory 25 6 Public Administration and Constitution of India 50
Total marks:  200

Syllabus for Computer skill test:
Sr. No. Details Marks 1 Gujarati Typing Test 20 2 English Typing Test 20 3 Basic Computer Typing Test 60Total marks:  100

Syllabus For Reasoning

Number Series.

Letter and Symbol Series.

Verbal Classification.

Essential Part.

Artificial Language.

Matching Definitions.

Making Judgments.

Verbal Reasoning.

Logical Problems.

Logical Games.

Analyzing Arguments.

Statement and Assumption.

The course of Action.

Statement and Conclusion.

Theme Detection.

Cause and Effect.

Statement and Argument.

Logical Deduction.

Syllabus For Aptitude

Basic Mathematics.

Analytical Geometry.

Real Analysis.

Fundamental arithmetical operations.

Number Systems.

Computation of Whole Numbers.


Time and Distance.

Ratio and Time.

Ratio and Proportion.

Profit and Loss.

Download syllabus Binsachivalay clerk : 

Download detail syllabus image

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