Samagr shixa Abhiyan Cluster RAtionalisation Babat Latest paripatr date 8-1-2019


Samagr shixa Abhiyan Cluster RAtionalisation Babat Latest paripatr date 8-1-2019

Holistic approach to education

Single Scheme for the School Education Sector from Classes I to XII- extension of interventions to senior secondary stage.

Treat school education holistically as a continuum from Pre-school to Class 12

Supporting States to initiate pre-primary education

Inclusion of senior secondary levels and pre-school levels in support for School education for the first time

Administrative reform

Single and unified administrative structure leading to harmonized implementation

Flexibility to States to prioritise their interventions under the Scheme

An integrated administration looking at ‘school’ as a continuum

Enhanced Funding for Education

The budget has been enhanced.

Learning outcomes and steps taken for quality improvement will be the basis for allocation of grants under the Scheme.

Focus on Quality of Education

Emphasis on improvement of Learning Outcomes

Enhanced Capacity Building of Teachers

Focus on strengthening Teacher Education Institutions like SCERTs and DIETs to improve the quality of prospective teachers in the system

SCERT to be the nodal institution for in-service and pre-service teacher training – will make training dynamic and need-based.

Key focus on quality education emphasizing capacity building of teachers in online and offline mode as well as strengthening of Teacher Education Institutions SCERT/DIET/BRC/CRC/CTEs/IASEs.

Annual Grant per school for strengthening of Libraries

Almost 1 million schools to be given library grant .

Enhanced focus on improving quality of education by focus on the two T’s – Teachers and Technology

Outcome oriented allocation of resources



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