Dudh ki fet nikalne ki machine me froud


Dudh ki fet nikalne ki machine me froud

This gets at the heart of social networking technologies—social cognition. These emerging technologies haveconnected people in so many ways—ways that not too long ago would have been unimaginable. As a result, wehave seen an explosion in the processes and capacities individuals, as they collaborate and leverage others’ abilitiesin new ways. These new ways of operating in the [digital] world illuminates new capacities and skills central tothis modus operandi3. Jenkins et al. note that these new capacities “almost all involve social skills developedthrough collaboration and networking.These skills build on the foundation of traditional literacy, research skills,technical skills, and critical analysis skills taught in the classroom” (2006, p. 19). These are all critical skills, often developedin conjunction with distributed learning environments—designed to leverage activities around principlesof distributed cognition, and collective intelligence. These two skills in particular are based on the view that intelligenceis more than just an attribute of an individual, but distributed amongst brain, body, and world (Clark, 1997);improved reasoning is made possible by the use of technology to “expand and augment human’s cognitive capacities”(Jenkins et al. 2006, p. 37).

Furthermore, “knowledge cultures” assembled in these online communitiesproduce the capacity for cognition and accomplishment far beyond what one person alone could accomplish.Meet John…Literature teacher at a small, rural high schoolWhat could social media possibly do for John’s classroom? He wasn’t sure, but he gave it a shot to see what hecould find. Last year, John jumped right in by starting a blog. At the time, he wasn’t really sure what he’d use it for,or exactly who the audience was, but he figured it was worth trying out and seeing what it was about. It wasn’tlong before John saw how blogs could be very engaging, for both him and those who followed his writings.

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