Facebook Messenger can also be invested in mutual funds


Facebook Messenger can also be invested in mutual funds

In today’s times, investing in mutual funds is the best way. According to statistics, investing in mutual funds is increasing in the last few years. In view of the average profitability in this area, no brokerage company wants to stay behind. So far the method of website or offline medium has been used to invest in mutual funds.

But now seeing brighter mutual fund investment, brokerage companies are preparing to make it more accessible. Because of this, now Facebook Messenger can also be invested in mutual funds. HDFC Securities has introduced this new facility. With this, HDFC Securities, which started such a facility, became the first such brokerage firm in the Asia Pacific region. How to

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How to invest through messenger
To invest in a mutual fund through the Facebook Messenger app, you have to search the app at hdfcsec.Arya. On which login you can open a trading account. Apart from this, you can do other things related to mutual funds.

Portfolio Holding View facility will also be available from this new technology. Through this, you can also order a monthly installment of a monthly installment fund and simultaneously invest the entire amount. Even the HDFC has given the facility of Virtual Assistant to provide input related information.

HDFC Facebook Messenger app

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