Financial Assistance For Self Employment Including Cottage Industries


Financial Assistance For Self Employment Including Cottage Industries

Financial Assistance For Self Employment Including Cottage Industries

Financial Assistance For Self Employment Including Cottage Industries

Eligibility Criteria
Annual Income Limit Rs. 1,20,000 / -
Annual Income Limit Rs. 1,50,000 / -

Help Standard

Bankable Plan
Unit cost of 33.1 / 2% or Rs. Subsidy in the limit of 10000 / -
Maximum 50% of the unit cost or Rs. Subsidy in the limit of 10000 / -
Managiri Project
Self-employment kits are given.
S.Sp.P. Out of them there is no income limit for the upper caste and nomadic-liberated caste.

Tha news about your self bssinebu with you in future I will be at work until you have a good time in Florida but

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